Saturday, January 24, 2009


The egg on the right is the one i saw her lay this morning. I am pretty easily entertained, but I thought that was one of the coolest things EVER. YUMMMY!

I actually SAW the hen lay this egg this morning. It was still warm when I took this picture! I went to open up the coop, and she was sitting there, up on a shelf, making some little grunting noises. I watched for about half a minute before the egg just dropped right out. A first for me, it was pretty cool.


Joerg said...

That's a good egg photo. Actually a great egg photo.

sarahzona said...

Thanks Joerg! I've been photographing my jewelry lately, and was all set up...

sarahzona said...

Thanks Joerg! I've been photographing my jewelry lately, and was all set up...