Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Michaelangelo was a masochist

I spent three days texturing the ceiling in our house. I was at the beginning of a nasty cold and it was my first time texturing, so it probably could have gone a little faster. The walls took another two days, then I primed and painted. If I do say so myself, it looks FABULOUS!

I will not take all the credit though. Eric hung, taped, and sanded all 25 sheets of drywall on the ceiling-not a fun event. He also sanded the ceiling and walls in between the texturing and priming. We both had massages when we were done.

I have no desire to work on another ceiling anytime soon.


TomC said...

Thinking about it - it would be hard to keep the arms up all day like that. I installed a ceiling fan once - that was enough for me !!

sarahzona said...

Seldom used muscles have been discovered and abused.

Diane said...

It has a very adobe like quality. Nice. I painted one wall (small) and it took me forever and it still isn't covered the way it should be (needs touch-ups). Hope you're feeling better

sarahzona said...

I'm feeling much better thanks. Found a good chiropractor and after being adjusted, I feel better than I have in a long time.
I'm ready to start texturing the guest bedroom!