Tuesday, December 11, 2007

snow and steel

All the rain we've had down here at 3100 feet has translated to snow up at the higher elevations. This is Squaw Peak from the balcony off our bedroom. The Snowbowl up in Flagstaff is open now, so we plan on going skiing up there this weekend.
I love being able to see the snow in the distance and not having to deal with it on a daily basis!
Gordon, the instructor of the blacksmithing workshop, is on the right, helping Tom make a pair of tongs. The workshop was a lot of fun and very informative. I ordered a forge yesterday, so I hope to be pounding some more steel real soon!

This is the workshop in the back of Pieh Tools, the blacksmithing supply store. The owner is in the red vest. She is from Burlington WI, and her parents owned a balcksmithing supply store there that I was familiar with from years ago. Small world :)
This place is a bicycle ride from our house.
They hold other workshops besides blacksmithing. I will take the knifemaking class when it's available. Doug can't wait to be big enough to swing a hammer for that one!

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