Monday, June 9, 2008

The Girls

The chickens are officially "free range" now. They stay in the coop at night for safety reasons, and then roam around the yard during the day. They always travel in a pack(brood?), and if one gets separated, she makes a certain noise. I've had to go to the rescue more than a couple times:)
Usually in the afternoon, they hang out in front of the house, and peek in sometimes. I think they would like to come in, but they poop WAY too much for that. It's like a little mine field out there. Fortunately, the poop dries up pretty quickly, and I can sweep it into the grass. Good fertilizer.
They're pretty funny animals. One of them started crowing like a rooster(sort of), once in awhile. They are probably vying for dominance now.
They will come to me when I call them, because I usually have treats for them. One of their favs is the inside of peppers, but they also enjoy bread of any kind, apple cores, melon peels, almost anything.

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