Sunday, October 7, 2007


Yesterday, I took the boys and a friend to Jerome, an old mining town turned artist colony built about a mile up on the side of a mountain. It is also known as America's Ghost Town. I thought there was a Ghost Walk(tour and info on five ghosts) yesterday, but we were a week early-OOPS. It was Art Night however, so a bunch of the galleries were open late. There is also a bike show going on in Cottonwood, so there were a ton of cool home made bikes and choppers to check out.

Before and after dinner at the Haunted Hamburger, we checked out a COUPLE (boys and shopping-not so much) of galleries. Mostly I looked in the stores and they stayed outside, yelling at the bikers riding by, trying to get them to honk their horns. A man who made zoetropics(sp?), those old moving picture things that you spin around was able to hold their attention for a good long time, while I browsed in one store. The guy made them out of the round plastic boxes that the 50 pack of CDs come in. Pretty cool.

I really enjoy going up to Jerome, and think about working in one of the galleries there sometime, in addition to selling my work somewhere up there. It is about 45 min from our house, but a gorgeous drive up a mountain, with lots of curves and switchbacks. Very popular with the bikers. I have not ridden up there yet, but plan to someday!

The following website has much more info on the funky little town:


TomC said...

Hey Sarah,

That is so awesome that you like Jerome.

When are we going to see some pics of you and Eric on your bikes ?

; )


sarahzona said...

This week we hope to get out and ride a bit. We've been busy with all the rehabbing. Now the weather has cooled, and the house is at a good point, so it is perfect for riding!