Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's been pretty rainy here this winter. Quite nice. I will not complain about rain in the desert. I didn't want to write about the weather though.

Lots of our neighbors have horses. I'm gonna start taking some pictures from around the hood real soon:) Anyway, upon occasion, people ride their horses past our house. As time passes, I'm sure the novelty will wear off, but for now, I think it's the coolest. So yesterday, a woman on a horse is riding by the house, talking on her cell phone. Any thoughts?


Benny said...

well. that's progress for ya.
kind of a shame isn't it.

Benny said...

Hi Max. and Doug!

Diane said...

When I lived in Rogers Park, a Orthodox Jewish teenager was talking on her cell phone while rollerblading in the street and wearing a dress. It was a strange juxtapositioning of modern and ancient ways. Don't know if horses are ancient but they sure go back a ways in history.

Diane dos Santos

J Short said...

That rainbow in the picture is so beautiful! I think rainbows are so cool, I had such a fascination with them. You'll never believe this, but once, two summers ago, in my home in St. Louis, we had this one really bad rainstorm and following it a couple hours later, there was this full halo of a rainbow completely surrounding the sun. It was so incredible, like the sun was in the middle of this huge rainbow bubble! I hope someday you'll see one for yourself...or for that matter, that you'd even believe my crazy story!

sarahzona said...

We have been fortunate enough to see "halo" rainbows out here, during the monsoon season. Very Cool!