Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grand Canyon Hike

Suzy took these pictures on our hike in the GC. The tree was shot on the way back up during one of our many breaks.
We were pretty near the top here. As we hiked, the color of the dirt changed with our altitude. Kinda like walking through eons. On the way back up, we were psyched when the dirt turned from the reddish color to a lighter shade of beige.

A little stretch on the way down. We had just begun at this point. If you click on the photo above, you can see a line of trees way far down on the left edge, just below the tree branch. That is Indian Gardens, where we had lunch.
Nice Pics Sooz, thanks!


TomC said...

Very, very cool !!

Did you find any rocks ?

sarahzona said...

Wasn't really looking for rocks. You're not supposed to take anything from a National Park

TomC said...

Not to mention, one of the seven wonders of the world !!