Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

Yes, this is a box of toads. Last night, my boys and two of the three boys next door were very busy collecting the toads, and putting them in the box. The box was in our yard, the toads were next door, so they had a plastic shopping bag for transportation. After about twenty of the little cuties were captured, the box was brought next door for the release. I am getting more and more reminders every day of why we decided to move here.

Yesterday the previous owner of our house here, G. Blue, took us on a little tour of the area. First stop was the Verde River access area, about a half mile from our house. Fishing is good here, and we can launch rafts or canoes ending up down river at Beasley Flats-a couple of hours away by water.

Next was the blacksmithing supply store that also holds classes. The place is about a two minute drive down Highway 260 from our house. It was closed on Sundays, but I will be visiting that place again for sure, and signing up for a class or two after school starts.

From there we went back up 260 to Salt Mine Rd., which took us up into the mountains behind us in the swimming pool photo. It was a beautiful 30 min. drive, which started out on paved road and ended up on gravel at Beasley flats, where we would leave a pick up vehicle when taking canoe trips. There were shaded picnic tables and marked trails all around. The thing that was missing was people. NOONE else was there! Across the river were cliffs with Indian ruins carved into them. It was really cool, and when Doug gets over the Fire ant sting he received there, we will go back.

Next on our tour was G. Blue's home and worksite. He is a builder here, and is empolying Eric for some cabinet hanging and tiling of his new Duplexes. He is a REALLY good guy.

Lunch at Rio Verde was next-good Mexican food, and a very witty host.

Finally, we visited a huge ATV/dirtbike riding area, with all kids of tracks and hills and bowls. We saw two riders there, one of whom was about Doug's age with his same dirtbike. Eric is taking them there tomorrow.

I regret not bringing my camera on our tour. Next time.

1 comment:

TomC said...

Awesome !!

I was just thinking today that there is probably all kinds of things for you to do right outside your front door - you just haven't found them yet.

That was nice of Blue to show you around - and work for Eric too !!

Your blog is fun to read...keep going !!
