Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24

We have officially started working on our new house. Eric replaced two windows today, and I even helped a bit! I'm very good at sweeping up and throwing things in the dumpster. I think my skills will improve over time, and as I told Eric, with the propper attire(pants, boots, GLOVES), I won't be so worried about spiders.

Max is also planning some building-a treehouse next door in their Mulberry tree. The boys next door did a little building so far, but Eric is not buying it. That treehouse will have working windows, hardwood floors, and AC when he gets through with it!

It was cool enough last night to open the windows in the bedroom. I had to close them around 4:00am though, when a rooster started crowing. At 5:45, I got up to see the sun on Mingus Mountain, snapped a pic, and went back to bed! (see top photo)


Joerg said...

There is nothing like having a mountain view. Your photo looks like a painting.

sarahzona said...

The light and shadows are always changing too. Let me know if I am posting too many mountian shots. I would hate for them to become boring!

Joerg said...

Can't have to many mountain shots. It would be interesting to see the mountains up close some time.

sarahzona said...

Right on! I'm thinking about a big telephoto for the future, but will take a drive up soon.

Meg and Carly said...

We love hearing about your journey there and feel like you not so far away - thank goodness for computers and blogs!

Love the mountains - you can never have to many pictures to show those of us not there.

We miss you very much, but know you are enjoying this new adventure. Can't wait to talk to you over the rest of the summer!!

sarahzona said...

Meg and Carly,

Glad you are visiting, and were able to comment. Lots more pics are in the future!