Friday, July 27, 2007


A storm rolled in a few minutes ago, and I actually got a pic of some lightning. How cool is that?!

This is the view from the front of the house. After the picture, it was a good twenty minutes before the rain got here.


Yolanda said...

Hi Harms Family

Love the lighting, miss you all very much. Hope to see you all soon, maybe after xmas. lots of Hugs
Yolanda & Kids

sarahzona said...

We miss you all too! Would love to see you out here sometime!!

Joerg said...

tell me you didn't photoshopped that.

marezona said...

Wow that lightening picture and the Red Rocks are awesome! We had some great new discoveries. Can't wait to explore those Red Rocks! I'm gonna have to buy a camera like yours....! Arizona Highways photographers move over! Hee hee...

marezona said...

Oh I forget to tell you that none of that lightening and none of the rain really hit me as I drove back to Phoenix. It was all around me but, never actually made it to my path! Plus there was a horse being pulled in a trailer the whole way back in my pack of cars and it kept sticking its entire head out the side of the trailer to smell the air like dogs was funny.

John Ames said...

Hey Sarah! We saw some crazy weather on the way back from Cherry Creek. All the way through IL I thought that the sky was going to swallow us whole. Glad that you are settling in nicely. We listened to the CD's that Eric burned us on the way through Nebraska. Good music/boring state. "Sarahzona" very clever. I laughed out loud. -John

sarahzona said...

I wouldn't even know how to photoshop that!! I am not that computer savvy. The weather is wild here. That storm came from the east, but they come in from all directions.

Hi John! Thanks for visiting the blog:)

Joerg said...

Sarah, I didn't think you photoshopped the lightning. It was just my way of saying "Wow, what a great photo." Keep them coming.

sarahzona said...

Thanks! It was more luck than skill, I'm afraid. And the Nikon D70.